Fabulous Old Spot Sponsorship Opportunities
As a theatre company inextricably linked with Gloucestershire, we can offer companies and businesses a unique service in publicizing their company within the county. We travel all over the county and reach a range of audiences, from pester-power age to the grey pound. For businesses working within the county who wish to give their products a distinct local flavour we may be able to help.
We can offer various degrees of sponsorship, as detailed below, but are also open to discussion.
Activity Reward
Sponsoring the web-site Advertising to all site visitors
Sponsoring the printing of programs and publicity Advertising to all venue managers and at all performances.
Sponsoring a single show at your village hall Banner advertising at the venue
Potential local press coverage
Sponsoring a single show for your employees Company bonding event
Theatre/Comedy Workshop for employees
Potential local press coverage
Sponsoring props or costumes Advertising space in program and thanked on web-site
Buying advertising Advertising space in theatre program.
Sponsoring a Van Your logo being driven all over Gloucestershire.
Sponsoring an actor Potential Press Coverage
Workshops and game sessions for your employees.